Friday, 25 January 2013

Watermelon basket! (cut the watermelon using specialized tools, then scrape the watermelon out of the skin completely by using a ice-cream scooper, and put the circular watermelon back into the watermelon.
Cucumber shark!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

The Penguin Cake!

It is made from the same cake pan as the previous one (The teddy bear cake pan); After baking it, we cut off the arms/legs of the bear, and used the arms as the wings for the penguin, and half of the legs for the legs of the penguin.

The variety of colours come from the colourings of classic icing.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Teddy-Bear Cake!!!!!

-Baked from a bear cake pan
-After it's cooled from baking, we applied classic icing with different colours (using the colourings) and decorated the cake